Thursday, July 17, 2014

The 44 Day Garage Challenge....

There is an unwritten deadline of getting things done around the house.  I know it and the Man knows it.  Football season marks the end of getting any projects completed around the house!  Nothing gets done when football starts.  Sunday’s are sacred and Saturday’s are the primer.  The TVs in the house stay on a sports channel (notice I used the plural form of TV).  That’s right,  The computer and mobile devices are occupied with our fantasy football stats.  

With my Buckeye’s kicking off on August 30th I only have 44 days to light a fire organize the garage and my weeknights are currently consumed with soccer, cheer, tumbling, and more soccer.  It’s time to get a game plan! 

Here’s the current state of our garage…..


Yikes!  I’ve got to fit two cars in there AND I want a work space for my makeover projects.  
I hear laughter.

Here’s the game plan:
  • Drink wine and get ideas from Pinterest
  • Get rid of any broken toys and tools
  • Recycle what I can
  • Paint the back wall
  • Take down the peg boards and shelves on the side walls
  • Invest in a good standing 5 shelf contraption
  • Build a work table
  • Figure out what to do with the lawn and garden crap tools
  • Reuse as much as I can to minimize the expense

Now it’s time to get out my inner cheerleader and get to work!  

I’m still hearing laughter……

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