Thursday, June 5, 2014

Sticker Shock.....

One Sunday afternoon I went shopping for new beds for my kids.  Looking at the price tags made me gasp for air and become a little uneasy.  I’m not sure what I was thinking when I thought new beds for both the kids would be a good idea at the same time.  The more I looked the sweatier I became.  What’s that?  You don’t break a sweat at the thought of spending money?  I headed home feeling disappointed and bummed (and maybe a little stinky from all that sweating).  I decided I had two options, expand my budget or do nothing.  I did nothing.  And then one day I received an email from my Mom with a picture of this bed.


Um, no was my immediate response.  I just couldn’t get past the wicker.  Talk about 1970’s!  And then a week later she sent me this pin:
That’s all she wrote folks.  Within 24hours my creative side kicked in.  We went to the second hand store (Red Maple Curio for you local folks) and it was still there in all her wicker glory.  I took that beauty home along with another headboard and lamp!

Now let the painting begin (after I take the wicker out of the sliding doors)…..

The headboard had laminate on it so I lightly sanded and then applied a coat of Zinsser Primer.  She’s looking better already.


Then I painted using two coats of Rust-Oleum Ultra Cover in black semi-gloss latex paint.  I also applied Minwax Polycrylic protective finish to give it a shine.  Now look at her!  She is no longer stuck in the 70’s! 

My son loves it! 
Total Cost = $80 (includes headboard, footboard, side rails, primer, paint, and finish)

Lessons learned from my first furniture painting adventure:
1. Paint brushes DO matter
2. Maybe I should tent the primer when using a dark paint color
3. My man gets a little antsy when I take up his side of the garage for my projects

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